Lowest Interest Rate

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We Provide Our Best Consultation On Your Problems, Our Financial Consultants Are Always Ready To Serve You !! Call Us Now !!

Approval 100%

Your loan will be approved instantly if you comply with our loan terms and conditions and cash will be provided immediately.

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About Our Company

Pht Maju Sdn. Bhd. is LICENSED moneylender company with license no. WL3298/04/01 approved by the ministry of Housing & Local Government under the money lenders Act 1951.

We able to help you to resolve all your financial problems, loans whether personal or business purpose.

Our Profession

You may blacklisted by local banks or other finance companies, we prioritise your application and
take serious consideration and provide you a suitable loan.
We always provide a repayment loan scheme that will not burden you and we are sure that you will not be overdue payment.


Our Loans Benefits

Higher Loan Amount

We offered loans that special designed with higher limit and lower interest rate to meet your needs.

Lowest Interest Rate

Our scheme are designed to meet your needs and match you with the financial situation, interest rates as low as 1% per month and the repayment period are flexibel if your qualification meet our requirement.

Suitable Repayment Schemes

Our financial consultant will arrange a flexible package to you and make sure the payment will not burden you.

Syarikat Kami

Syarikat kami mempunyai 8 cawangan di Seluruh Malaysia iaitu di Negeri Sembilan, Selangor, Melaka, Pahang, Pulau Pinang, Johor Bahru, Kuantan dan Wilayah Persekutuan

Loan Interest Not More Than :

12% Per Year (With Collateral)
18% Per Year (Without Collateral)
License No. : WL3298/04/01
License Validation Period : 04/09/2024 - 03/09/2026
Advertisement Permit No. : WP3298/04/01
Advertisement Validation Period : 04/09/2022 - 03/09/2024

Max Per Annum (APR)

Min. Repayment Tenure : 3 months
Max. Repayment Tenure : 48 months
Max. Per Annum (APR) : 18%